Just read a book called 'American Gods'. It's a killer read. basically in order for a god to exist, enough people have to believe in it and follow it.
hence the older gods, Loki, norse/roman gods etc are dying out, and being replaced by super powerful Internet/money/chaotic gods. The gods are portrayed as flesh & blood people as they fight for favoritism with the praying public. This has an effect on the world, and on our hero's world in particular. Its a great read, dispite the awful job I've done of describing it.
Go check it out if you like to appreciate what's wrong with the world today, and the US in particular.
hence the older gods, Loki, norse/roman gods etc are dying out, and being replaced by super powerful Internet/money/chaotic gods. The gods are portrayed as flesh & blood people as they fight for favoritism with the praying public. This has an effect on the world, and on our hero's world in particular. Its a great read, dispite the awful job I've done of describing it.
Go check it out if you like to appreciate what's wrong with the world today, and the US in particular.