Look buddy ,no-one really dislikes you ,no one really cares to be honest ,tis the internet...
I have personal interest in keeping this place a friendly one ,I have a severe dislike for the pitchfork and torches mentality that poisons some forums and believe me if I have anything to do with it it wont be happening here ,every one of the mods was a user before they obtained Atlantean status and they didn't get there by being ***** ...OK they did but they were funny *****...
What has happened in your case is that people will have a go if they think your the kind of person that is going to react in a certain way ,and you evidently are. No one likes a whiner, so man up and give it back in the same tongue in cheek fashion (which you should be great at given your musical talent) that it is meant.
I don't wish you to leave this forum, who would we have left that gets more saliva over their monitor than Pob...oh yeh ,Bon.