But you didnt point out how it was not right, i dont intend or want to argue about it either, all you said that was there still monkeys at the present time and yes there is there is no argument about that.
The whole debate is how a species can become something else.
It was argued at some point in ancient history how did all things (well most) come to just grow eyes, it has now been proven that the eyes simply evolved, small jelly fish 'grew' a light sensor that indicated which way was up towards the sun and from then it just grew on us as we evolved.
Without trying to cause argument or upset anyone religious do you honestly believe some dude packed up 2 of every single creature onto a little wood boat and thats how everything living is still here? Would you then go on to say (sorry i dont know your age or etc) but that every single women / man you have came into contact with is your brother or sister.
I can accept that high members of a religion may be celibate but lets face it if this is the case then all humans are having children (trying to word nicely for a forums sake) with there sisters! Many many years ago we as a people decided that this was wrong and called it incest so what a religion is saying is ok to have insestual (cant spell it lol) families?
I do wonder tho how educated people can say we did not evolve from pretty much a miracle not because of a all mighty god but because of the way the earth itself created it.
The circle could go on and on and all kinds of excuses come out but lets face it, the rich still get rich while the poor get poorer. To quote a line i heard somewhere if god was all powerful why does he need money all the time? What a clever person he is for inventing money then saying but give it to me so you can all worship me, something just doesnt add up.
Yeh he works in some funny old ways so we are told, so funny that he makes a balls of all the major things that happen in the world but he loves us we are all his children. Well i would love to have a chat with Social services about him coz he abuses his children.
Anyways this is totally going off track from the original post