While under the influence of a few beers I had the idea of creating a so called "trusted sellers group" and only inviting in those who have a decent proven track record, maybe even make little sig image a bit like the GWC.
won't be perfect as you cant vet all buyers.
I'll do it if anyone thinks its worth doing?
The problem is trusted sellers can sometimes be a problem as well. Some people have been dealing on here for years then all of a sudden someone has trouble with them. Now the problem here is they will be in the trusted sellers group so people deal with them and then get rinsed (I know I did a few years back, only on a small scale though)
Or you have the problem of when do people become trusted sellers, 10 sales, 20 sales, 100 sales? and is this not what plat staus and feedback is for?
Also what stops people making a few low budget deals in preparation for the motherload scam?
You also have the issue of some people are just out to scam. I once dealt with a guy who sent a cheque, and asked me 2 days later why he had not recieved his item, I told him why (then he gave me a sob story about how it would go through and he was in a hurry for the item) so I sent him the item, he cancelled the cheque and dissapeared. Luckily I sent it by courier and I rang them so they didnt deliver it but could have been bad for me.
Personally I think the feedback is already doing the job. If someone is buying something then they should check to see if the seller has feedback, if not then its their own fault for dealing with them if things go Pete Tong. Same goes for buyers, I always do my research on people who buy from me if they are new on the block, a few clicks and you can find an lot out