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Have you got problems like me?


Southern Pirates
But 'Snowflake' and 'wonderbread' are OK?
Just want to be sure. hate to offend anyone....
Its racial slang, (perhaps not a racial slur like cracker is though,) so still shouldn't really be used. No racial slang should be. If you used it with most of my friends you'd either get a filthy look or a swift "F*** off" from them. But then we were all brought up not to use any form of racial term and were taught that they are all insulting, offensive and stereotyping.

Although I still approve the use of the term "cheese eating surrender monkeys" for the French ;)

Tricky Dicky

May 9, 2008
now their was a thread a while back, which contained the use of ''rag heads''. allot of people came back complaining (myselve also) that racism, is not on and this is not the place to say it.

in this case the use of the words crackers, wonderbreads whatever relating to white people is racial slur also and should be treated in the same respect as some one being racist towards pakistanis, blacks or in this case of the army situation, middle eastern countries and cultures.

just my 2p
Its racial slang, (perhaps not a racial slur like cracker is though,) so still shouldn't really be used. No racial slang should be. If you used it with most of my friends you'd either get a filthy look or a swift "F*** off" from them. But then we were all brought up not to use any form of racial term and were taught that they are all insulting, offensive and stereotyping.

Although I still approve the use of the term "cheese eating surrender monkeys" for the French ;)
So is "Knobber" racial slander Dan?

Ps. Your a "Knobber!!!" Lol :D


Going....going....not quite dead yet...
Jun 21, 2004
oldham - lancs
Let's go a bit anti-PC here a minute.

The terms honkey, damn devil (Ice Cube reference), snowflake, milky, whitey, cracker etc. are all meant to be derisory towards 'whites'. I'm white (or consider myself such) and I don't find any of them offensive. No doubt, some PC council worker will complain on my behalf though :rolleyes:.

That's the trouble these days - too many people willing to complain on behalf of others (as though they are on some moral crusade).

Take the Big Brother crap (the Jade and Shilpa thingy). Apparently 40,000 people complained to channel 4 on SS's behalf. The only one who didn't complain was SS herself! She only changed her mind when she saw what great publicity it got her!

I'm suprised no-one has complained about Robbo's tag line on here "Poofs are Gay!". Remember - it's not PC to call anyone a 'Poof' (Big Brother again :rolleyes:).

The world and it's attitudes won't change unless there is a revolution - and that's not going to happen in the UK (everyone's jumping ship instead).


EDIT: This is mainly for Missy:
Here's the NAACP's tag-line:
"To promote equality of rights and to eradicate caste or race prejudice among the citizens of the United States; to advance the interest of colored citizens; to secure for them impartial suffrage; and to increase their opportunities for securing justice in the courts, education for the children, employment according to their ability and complete equality before law."

Spot the obvious flaw?


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Whilst open discussion is for the most part to be promoted because it allows differing views to be aired, it can also descend into complete and utter BS because some people are unable to truly think for themselves when confronted with other people's seemingly sophisticated teachings or views (I'm not referring to this thread here).

Case in question; If you've ever looked at what underpins scientology, it's the biggest load of claptrap my eyes have ever befallen and yet a lot of people, seemingly intelligent people, are caught up in its snare.

My head won't let that sh!t go past without trying to work out how the hell people like that disgusting excuse for a human being, tom cruise, can align himself with it, along with other notaries such as will smith (I won't capitalise people I do not like)
The only reason I use them is because I don't know any others but I realise there are an awful lot of these scientology buffoons around.

The reason they do, is not because they have a greater intellect and therefore managed to unlock its hidden message of enlightenment and meaning, they align themselves because of an emotional and spiritual need, and these have NOTHING to do with reason or rationale, nothing !!!!!!!

Mind you, I saw a vid of tom cruise the other day doing his bit for scientology, it takes some believing and if you do watch it, have a vomit bag at hand ...you'll need it.


And so, my feelings on debates like these, some people use their intellect to sift through the cr@p that is outrageously described as 'Political Correctness' and some ..just quote it ....... allowing their emotions or a misplaced sense of a skewed social conscience to lead them to the land of La La.