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9/11 was an inside job!


Old Baller, getting older
Jun 14, 2007
Northern England
So how many people were involved in killing the Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand?

Who cares, WW1 was started from it, countless countries lost lives and then it was over. It will be the same with 9/11

Someone(s) managed to make it happen and now thousands are dead that were in the two towers and thousands more are dying due to the axis of evil.

Perhaps people should be thankful that George Bush has to stand down soon, atleast with Saddam Hussein you knew what he was doing and why.


Jan 26, 2004
Listen OutcastMike. You have a worse problem. How many terrorists do you need to carry out such an enormous task? How do you stop them from talking? how do you stop intel from piking up chatter?

Your asking the wrong questions
You have made a thread making claims of a conspiracy regarding 9/11 and i'm simply asking question regarding these claims as your the educated one and we are the "deluded" one's here,i would like you to convince me otherwise.

Now answer my question....Roughly how many people would it take to conspire to destroy the twin towers.

In an earlier post you said that an israeli messaging company contacted it employee's to leave the building.......what exactly are suggesting ?


New Member
Dec 15, 2008
I agree.

After the illeagal invasion of the Soveriegn nation of Iraq - the Axis of Evil have killed 1.6 million Iraqi Civilians. I refer to the global elites as the Axis of Evil just to clear that up.

It is a horrible chain of events and thats why the trigger and who is responsible is very important


pew pew
Sep 8, 2006
Good response thanks guys. Inteligent debates are very welcome!

As for the claims being unreliable. I would point you towards http://www.ae911truth.org/

The flashpoint of jet-fuel is no more than 300*c. in order for steel structures to begin to melt it takes minimum of 10 hours of solid direct flame contact. Sorry guys but it really doesnt add up. What about building 7?? No plane hit it - and the owner took out the biggest insurance policy on it just before!!
..So you've visted a couple of websites, watched a view videos and now suddenly your a complete expert on the subject? Why are you even here?

To add to the first question you have: Do you really honestly think the steel would have to "melt" for the building to collapse? No, of course not. Only to the point of structural failure. For steel to actually melt, a temperature of 900*C is required. A third of this would have easily sufficed the collapse.

I'd stick to drumming mate.. :rolleyes: