From what i've read so far, why is it only the losing side that is complaining of cheats, both sides were well guilty of wiping and as for the transporter being biased toward the blues is utter nonsense. Being on the blue side i can assure you that the reds had us really well pinned down as they occupied most of the area to the righthand side of the transporter making it difficult for us to get into it. From a personal point i didn't care about winning or losing i was there to shoot people and get shot. As for the facilities well there was no excuse for the air by 3.30 i could only get 2800 and then was told that MY gauge was wrong and that it was filling to 3500, dont think we can blame Tim for that as it was sub-contracted to paramina i'm sure that when they were asked if they could supply air all-day to 4500 they said yes. As for the toilets, sh*t happens they were'nt the worst i've used but should've had a few more. Now safety, i believe no-one was hurt due to balls landing in the safe area unfortunately you cant change the law of physics 500 people shooting plastic balls at 290fps a lot with flatlines and apex barrels means some balls are going to go where you dont want them to, people would have complained even more if the safe areas were another half mile away and regardless of the height of the safety netting, what goes up must come down. I personaly dont think that it was that bad, and as for value for money, the big game cost about the same and you didn't get a free t-shirt. The thing thats annoyed me is the people that are slaighting the organisers are saying that this is the first event they've played this year and how dissapointed they were,well way to support paintballing they've certainly contributed to the sport then eh. so cheers guys for a great weekend.