I'd go back to just after the Berlin wall came down ,stay single and save myself for all that tidy Eastern European poontang that moved to Edinburgh.
Could of saved a fortune and munched on some lovely Ryba.
Not too Fishy I hope though...
I would have bought a house at 18 instead of 21 and not re mortgaged it so much.
I wouldn't have pretended that I couldn't hear that stonking looking chic over the music, making her get closer and closer, till she got the hump and went away.
I would have claimed for my Bank Charges, when my mate suggested it, rather than some time after, missing out on payment of £5k by a week.
Other than that, I'm pretty well rounded now, so I doubt I would go back far.
I don't think this country or many others, are going to be very nice places for young people soon, so...
I wouldn't have started smoking...