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Coaching - your views?


Aug 10, 2007
In my opinion coaching takes away alot of the skill, judgement and fun out of paintball. It frustrates me, if you make a killer move and their coach shouts "he's bumped up to bunker x, y or z" and non of their team saw you.

I much prefer the NPPL format and wish we had it here. I appreciate it can be tricky to enforce no sideline coaching on every field (like on the JT field in Jax) however I think the gains of not coaching far outway the costs of potential cheaters imo :D


Toot de la fruit!
Nov 8, 2004

TV is not gunna get ahold of it even if the format changed to Naked women models playing CPL format bring back 7man


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2005
thing is in non coaching paintball you can get people making bigger game breaking moves because they know they're not gonna get called out and have a stream on them 2 secs after they start running.

Theres also the annoying aspect that you have to pretend to be doing something else so their coach won't know what you're intending on doing - like 3 point breakout stance because the other coach will know where you're going. That was an athletic aspect of the game.

I dont know why crowd participation is "required" in our sport cus people watch hours of tennis without yelling something out in the middle of a point.

Coach participation should just be between points imo.

Kevy D

Retired, lol
Aug 6, 2007
Northern Quarter
I'm afraid I'm joining the masses, I think it's a completely useless idea, especially for rookie teams who WANT to develop their skills.... if they have coaching, they don't NEED to.

Also, not watched the "dogging" ;-) video yet but I was there and I saw how seriously the NPPL officials took it. Shortly after this incident, they planted refs on the grandstand watching the spectators, LOL.

Totally understand where Pebble's coming from as I've seen it 1st-hand, and his Bro never sounds too impressed with the concept whenever I mention it to him.

I think we have no choice but to weather it out, although I reckon eventually it will disappear (we live in hope).

Jeff Abbott - Dye

Should Coaching become a thing of the past?

I may well get burnt posting this thread but i would just like to gauge everyones opinion on the matter.

My thought on Coaching is that it is a good training tool as in playing a new field and getting to grips as to where you can see across the field and work out your stratedgy for a tournament. But i cannot get to grips with using this in a tournament as in my opinion it is just legal cheating and spoils the game. e.g you make a awesome move and the opposition dosnt see you. Normally this would work to your advantage but the guy on the otherside of the netting who is pointing and yelling kind of spoils it.

Players should be quite capiable of using there own knowledge and skills on the field ( Especially communications) that they should not require side line coaching.

Am i right in thinking that in the US the NPPL do not have Coaching from the side lines ??

What do you guys think on this matter
Legal cheating...???

It's not cheating if it is allowed or am I really as stupid as people say I am..?



Don't run, you'll only die tired....
May 19, 2004
Northern Ireland
Truly great teams and players don't need coaches. Reading the field is what separates the men from the boys.

I say lose it, the best format is NPPL finals style best of three 7 man :)

Jeff Abbott - Dye

get rid

it ruined my bro's paintball career and is currently ruining mine
How so...?

Players carreers have continued to grow with coaching but you say your brothers and yours have been or are being ruined. You may not like coaching and that is your choice and if you choose not to play because of it then it is not the coaching that has ruined your carreer, it is your choice to quit.

The presence of coaching has taken out the sneky element from the game but has also meant that players have to be better technically as most of the matches come down to gun skills, fitness and speed.

If you haven't got those qualities and you cannot compete then thats your problem and not a result of the coaching.


Millennium Man

Manchester Outlawz
Legal cheating...???

It's not cheating if it is allowed or am I really as stupid as people say I am..?

Which is why i said ( LEGAL cheating LEGAL )

And as posted up players are not being allowed to make there own decisions they are being told what to do from the sidelines.
This carrys no skill just (snakes posted on you wait wait wait ok shoot in snake 3 NOW!!!!!!!!! now where is the skill in that?
There is where the snap shooting comes into effect not hiding behind the bunker until you are told the coast is clear....

ProAktiv Paintball
The Outlawz


Toot de la fruit!
Nov 8, 2004

you need to just put on ya green stupid hat and chillax and pull ya tongue out of Nexus bums and stop pickin on me cus of that stupid "fav Uk player" thread

this is a forum and that is my opinion and what you said is yours and dont talk like that you know me as you have no idea

ive played 7man since i was 15 at school , did not choose to go to college and chose my pb career , had the worst jobs eva because of this until my recent current one, then i had no choice but to suddenly drop 7man format that i was very good at for so long, lost friends and now family , im having a good go at this format ive done my best ive probably forgot more than you know and achieved more than you can dream in either format



Platinum Member
Jan 11, 2007
Ooohhhhh he won't like that Pebble :p

But yeah, sidline coaching should be stopped.