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Pro players ????????


Dec 3, 2007
I don't think I'd sell on a jersey that was given to me in person by a pro. It adds the sentimental value that is lost in a sale....or so I'd imagine, anyway :p


I Would
Dec 6, 2004
Personally I think the 'Pro' that sells his tops has a way higher opinion of himself than he deserves,If the tops were worth selling you would very quickly see the manufacturers doing it, ala 'Beckham' etc.

Show some humility and give them too the fans,If said fan then sells it on for a buck they are the ones that look like an ******* not the 'Pro'.

I realise pro's have to fund there careers currently so guns ,kit etc..yeh should be sold, but owning a top is specific to a fan and shows real support and admiration for said player.

Certainly in my eyes.
So if any one knows Anna Kournikova can you let her know I admire and respect her and would love one of her tops please.

tommy"the gun"webb

So Manc mafia
Sep 26, 2005
+1 HQ
work for it i say..as fan (a good fan like watching games and cheering on) or......example...i reffed masters at world cup(damn hard too) bob long then says fantastic job here ive heard you want it...!(there is another story associated but thats for drinks in the pool)

also agree with dskize


P8nt'in Yo Face Since 03
i agree eith dskize, pro players are given their tops, often way more than just one, so why should they profit off the top? They are given the chance to play the game they love and fork out for travel and fees only. We sorry amateurs have to pay for every little thing. I don't see a problem with people selling pro tops on for money as long as its not the pro.


Hey, You Guys!!!
Jan 14, 2008
One eyed Willy's place
the selling on of so called pro gear really seems like a kick in the teeth for the sponsors.

I suppose in the states its diffrent but the bottom line is there is no such thing as a pro player in the uk, they all have other jobs they are not in fact paid to play paintball full time.It just seems to cheapen the gear when they sell it off.The use of the word pro really makes me laugh.

Markie C

Carlos Spicy Weiner
Aug 1, 2004
Northern Quarter
I know that dynasty and some of xsv give there tops to fans who they know are fans and know they have even given guns to them for free.

You might be surprised with the allocation that the pro's get for there tops.

The RL only used to get 2 tops a year so that's why they are hard to get hold of.

dynasty get some tops free but have to pay for the rest of them, because they make there own so they are only doing them selves out of money if they just give them away all the time.


Planet Eclipse
Jul 17, 2003
Ok i disagree with most of you :)

If you look at any of the Millenniums, you'll see the Pro's that come over, with they're kit laid out and selling it all. Just because they're sponsored doesn't mean they have a luxury lifestyle, some of the time they 'have' to make the money from this gear to get themselves home.

As pointed out already, they get a lot more tops than they do other gear, which is the exact point why it would make more sense to sell these.

If fans are fans than they'll want the top whether it costs or whether its free.

As for the selling of the guns before they've been used... this is Sponsorship. A lot of teams are given an allocation of guns each, now baring in mind they only need one to play, possibly two, and a guns worth more brand new... well i'd sell it if it meant making it to training :)

Sell sell sell i say.