Forum Wide rules as a reminder.
No text talk. Apart from the occasional 'lol' or 'ftw' etc Text talk will not be tolerated. We also ask that posts are in english or a decent attempt at english. We realise some of you aren't great at speeling and punktuation but mindless chat/drivel and abbreviations will be dealt with accordingly.
Topics must be paintball related. Even if its only marginally. If the odd thread goes off topic and its interesting/funny enough then it may stay, but as a general rule if its not paintball related then expect a deletion and a ban.
A&Q Guidelines
All topics must be vaguely paintball related. We don't want to see topics asking about your PC or wireless problems. Don't be tight, pay for Plat status and you will be free to discuss most topics it the Plat Forum.
Anything which can be answered by phone or email should be done in such a manner. The best people to answer questions about a company's products are the companies themselves. If you want to know when a random headband will be back in stock, call and ask.
USE THE SEARCH BUTTON. It was put there for a reason, and then we won't have a gazillion threads about the same thing. If it still doesn't answer your question by all means post away.
Any posts we deem to be inane or total rubbish/inappropriate for a PAINTBALL FORUM, will be deleted and the user dealt with. this could mean a warning by PM or a straight out ban.
You have been warned.
No text talk. Apart from the occasional 'lol' or 'ftw' etc Text talk will not be tolerated. We also ask that posts are in english or a decent attempt at english. We realise some of you aren't great at speeling and punktuation but mindless chat/drivel and abbreviations will be dealt with accordingly.
Topics must be paintball related. Even if its only marginally. If the odd thread goes off topic and its interesting/funny enough then it may stay, but as a general rule if its not paintball related then expect a deletion and a ban.
A&Q Guidelines
All topics must be vaguely paintball related. We don't want to see topics asking about your PC or wireless problems. Don't be tight, pay for Plat status and you will be free to discuss most topics it the Plat Forum.
Anything which can be answered by phone or email should be done in such a manner. The best people to answer questions about a company's products are the companies themselves. If you want to know when a random headband will be back in stock, call and ask.
USE THE SEARCH BUTTON. It was put there for a reason, and then we won't have a gazillion threads about the same thing. If it still doesn't answer your question by all means post away.
Any posts we deem to be inane or total rubbish/inappropriate for a PAINTBALL FORUM, will be deleted and the user dealt with. this could mean a warning by PM or a straight out ban.
You have been warned.