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Nick Brockdorff

New Member
Jul 9, 2001
Nick, Nick, Nick, LISTEN TO ME VERY CAREFULLY !!!!!!!!!!!!

Stop facking looking too deep into this, how the hell can you ask 'what is the purpose of this event', is beyond me.
There isn't any event, it's a hypothetical question about a hypothetical event, if you can't answer either 'yes' or 'no,' then don't bother Nick, FFS, I am asking a question (NOT YOU), FFS, how many fackin times do I need to say this...look nick, stay outa this thread please, coz u r pissing me off here.

All I can deduce is either :-

a) You are stupid beyond belief or

b) You are antagonizing me deliberately.

....either way, stay outa this thread because EVERYBODY else seems to have understood what's needed and has responded accordingly except of course you !!!!!!!!!!

Jeeeezus, how hard is it to say yes or no......?
Jeez man - sorry for wanting to debate something which is an interesting possibility - hypothetically :eek:


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2005
yes, i would. A european edition of the PSP's world cup, with all the honour and hype as the entire series.

Freddie Brockdorff

Olva the Berserker
Aug 22, 2005
Copenhagen, Denmark
I´m sorry to say so but kind of an obvious reply - of course! EVERY single paintballer out there would like an event like that !

IF - it´s not too expensive, not too far away from home (expensive travel!), fits the personal calendar and offers everything perfectly organised! ;):p:D


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
Will there be some free fruit? If there is I'm in!!!
I don't care about anything else, I just go to events where there is free fruit...


What's the point!!!
Sep 13, 2005
God's Country
I would think (and please correct me if I am wrong) that the majority, say the 80th percentile, wouldn't really care too much about any series points attained in the Millennium.
I would also think these teams are only going to Millenniums because they wanna be part of a big event and can play in what they perceive, as the cream of paintball, which as far as Europe goes, the Millennium is.

And so on that basis, if another opportunity came along to play against the top Yank teams and the top Euros and of course it being a razzmatazz, no holds barred, all singing all dancing tourney, I think I'd wanna go ... but I am putting myself in the position of the average European tourney baller, am I correct in what I think, in that the average baller would wanna attend?
Are you sure you never played paintball before Robbo cos this sounds to me like something that someone who knows what they are talking about would say ;)

Oh yeah I'm in ;)