ive got one....
as close to an Eclipse sniper2 as possible (tho not a true eclipse production gun...there was only ever one true eclipse sniper made im told, that one was made for Ledz)
2k4 eclipse factory body
full eclipse internals, valve, dailer, bolt
eclipse blade frame (i know slide frames are nicer on pumps and the double trigger is not needed but..)
2k5 eclipse oops and mini rail
star inline reg
shaft barrel (tempted up get an sl barrel kit annoed to match

ccm feed neck (would like to get one of the eclipse ego style cocker clamp necks for it if anyone has one)
ccm pump kit.
only thing its missing is an auto trigger, just havnt got round to remaking the trigger blade to work with one, ill do it eventually...may even fit an eblade to it and make the auto trigger electonic by using the eye.
whole lot is annoed in white with polished british racing green accents...it was the done as a tester for the 'krypton ice' sl66 because i thought it would look pritty good and we ended up using it on the sl's a few weeks later.
although its been used on the range and shoot a dream, i still havnt got round to using it in a game, so it sits on a shelf in my office!