dreadfull attempt DS..must try harder..
Sorry, but I have strong feelings on this issue and the resulting crap this country must deal with.
More and more people I meet have had enough of imigration / asylum / free loading. (Whatever you want to call it)
You tend to find the older generation have the strongest views due to the decline in quality of life that they have witnessed over many years.
There was a story I read while in Australia that made me smile.
Politician - "we had around 200 illegals in a shipping boat a mile off shore, claiming if we did not let them in they would starve"
Interviewer - "So you let them dock"
Politician - "No. We sent a boat load of food and provisions and sent them on their way"
P.s - To the fiction writer that started the thread trying to blame the government, go and get your head examined.