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UK Gun Whores club is here

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Shooting for The Clan 09
Feb 27, 2007
that place near you
me too, but wanna shoot one first!

Ninja, you at the masters in ancaster? I'd like to possibly have a little shoot of yours?
thats if i get it the silly twat put that it was a gun on the import form so they've pulled it:eek:

Not at masters mate but i'm sure Lump will let you have a go on his or you can shot it if we put a GWC team in the PA:D


London Impact
Jul 9, 2007
there is a lad who comes down my site who has a droid and they shoot very very well !!
Got his from JCS......

Lump when can i re-apply as i want one of these jerseys lol


one case one kill
Sep 20, 2004
in the ABYSS
GWC Jersey List:

001 - Gassy & BLANK - XXL
02 - extremelimo - XXL
03 - Dusty - XL
04 - Luke@York - XXL
06 - samurai - ??
07 - Tom Allen - ??
08 - Dan Randon - XXL
09 - Dskize - XL - X2
10 - Spreadz07 & Nigel "Johnny Storm" Seymour - XL
11 - Fish - XXL - X2
12 - Dark Warrior - ??
13 - Lump - XXL x2 one name white one red
14 - Stan - XXL
15 - ninja - XXL
16 - Renton - XXL
17 - Madtoxic - XXL - X2
18 - TendringLOEB - XXL
20 - Bob - XL
21 - S1im - XXL
22 - Richie - XXL
23 - Ajermstad - has not paid deposit not taking part
24 - ollytheosteo - XXL - X2
27 - TinFish - XL
31 - Shadlad X2 & BLANK - XXL
32 - Pocoyo - XL
33 - Lemon - XL
34 - RainbowShooter - L
36 - Sid Sidgwick - XXL

Just waiting on: extremelimo, samurai, Tom Allen, Dark Warior, Lump, Ajermastad and Lemon, to confirm sizes.

I also need a size and a number for the Jersey being auctioned off. (great idea BTW) will do XXL as it seams to be popular and on the back " wanna be Whore "

Text in red are details i have edited since my initial post at 11.58am on Wednesday 09th of April

edited with what i can.

:cool: ok we have a price of £36 for the JT pro jersey. we will be going with this. now £36.50 to marc@deathstar.co.uk money to be with me now later that monday. at this time any one who has NOT paid will NOT get a jersey. as i am NOT paying for yours to be printed :cool:

dont forget put baller user name and gwc number or its a random payment for me to keep
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