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HAVE you read the NEW nspl rules??

Syd (NSPL)

NSPL and Pr0to KotH
Aug 30, 2001
Torquay, UK
I understand the picking up paintballs

but the swearing on t shirts or anything else is a crock of sh!t and i think syd knows it
Don't put words in my mouth Mikey. :p

The reasons are simple. Offensive material is not PC. If you are not PC, you will not appeal to the masses. We want paintball to appeal to the masses do we not? Or shall we just keep it underground and enjoy the fact that we can play our sport looking our version of cool?

I'm trying to push things forward mate. Getting rid of Fu<k U's and barbie dolls with their legs open is a small sacrifice to make if we can keep attracting outside sponsorship.

What's your problem anyway - you'll never be cool, no matter what you try to write on your t-shirts. ;)


The Tao of Pooh
Jun 20, 2006
North London
I understand the picking up paintballs

but the swearing on t shirts or anything else is a crock of sh!t and i think syd knows it
I doubt it'll be enforced... bit anal if it is...
Have either of you two stopped and thought about the bigger picture? Syd had secured outside sponsorship for the NSPL, do you really think any self-respecting company is going to want to be associated with a bunch of guys with f*ck and Hate and the like written all over their gear?

How many other sports have such a (frankly quite childish) attitude towards swearing and displaying "attitude"? You don't see Steve Redgrave getting "I'm No.1 Bitches!" Laser-engraved on his oars do you? No - Cos he is a Professional Athlete, something I thought you two aspired towards with your teams approach to training and commitment?

Guess I was wrong - oh well, let's have our AGG stickers and halo backplates and shun any chance of possible corporate sponsorship shall we?


F orum Battle Organiser
Nov 23, 2005
South Wales/Cali
Don't put words in my mouth Mikey. :p

The reasons are simple. Offensive material is not PC. If you are not PC, you will not appeal to the masses. We want paintball to appeal to the masses do we not? Or shall we just keep it underground and enjoy the fact that we can play our sport looking our version of cool?

I'm trying to push things forward mate. Getting rid of Fu<k U's and barbie dolls with their legs open is a small sacrifice to make if we can keep attracting outside sponsorship.

What's your problem anyway - you'll never be cool, no matter what you try to write on your t-shirts. ;)
:mad: Now look here i wasn't that drunk on the weekend....oh wait you said words in your mouth ;)

C'mon syd, If i wore a tshirt saying i f*ucked the queen twice and played with a Vlocity with a couple of barbie girls with there legs open do you really think new or existing sponsors are going to go...WHAT THE HELL, right, no sorry no sponsorship from us he has a tshirt with a swear word on it.

Granted if everyone wore tshirts saying, f/*uck this and sh!t that then ok, but hardly anyone does.

exile said:
Have either of you two stopped and thought about the bigger picture? Syd had secured outside sponsorship for the NSPL, do you really think any self-respecting company is going to want to be associated with a bunch of guys with f*ck and Hate and the like written all over their gear?

How many other sports have such a (frankly quite childish) attitude to wards swearing and displaying "attitude"? You don't see Steve Redgrave getting "I'm No.1 Bitches!" Laser-engraved on his oars do you? No - Cos he is a Professional Athlete, something I thought you two aspired to wards with your teams approach to training and commitment?

Guess I was wrong - oh well, let's have our AGG stickers and halo backplates and shun any chance of possible corporate sponsorship shall we?
Oh yeah defiantly, i mean look at the state of US ball, its shocking :rolleyes:

What ever will all those hybrid sponsored teams do now, i mean shockingly enough the have f*uck and hate on there playing clothes.

oh and how many other sports:

Ice hockey
Yank football

i wont go on...

Professional athlete huh, i would safely but some money one 40% of the NSPL teams not ever doing any cardio training or gym training.

But yeah athletes alright.

My aspiration are no way interpreted by what i have on any of my playing gear, thats just a stupid comment

If you really think AGG stickers and halo backplates are the problem why no one is interested in uk ball then you should crawl back under your rock

Syd (NSPL)

NSPL and Pr0to KotH
Aug 30, 2001
Torquay, UK
It's not as simple as that. But, if you're not going to buy that Mikey. I'll give you another reason...

The NSPL is trying to encourage teams to develop from KotH level right through to Millennium level. Hence the Millennium rules.

Do we not have a responsibility to enforce these rules so teams get used to them before moving on to International play?

Oh, and you failed to respond to my (not very) sutle attempt to call you seriously un-cool! Come on, this could get interesting... ;)


F orum Battle Organiser
Nov 23, 2005
South Wales/Cali
It's not as simple as that. But, if you're not going to buy that Mikey. I'll give you another reason...

The NSPL is trying to encourage teams to develop from KotH level right through to Millennium level. Hence the Millennium rules.

Do we not have a responsibility to enforce these rules so teams get used to them before moving on to International play?

Oh, and you failed to respond to my (not very) sutle attempt to call you seriously un-cool! Come on, this could get interesting... ;)
Granted its good to get them used to a strict ruling especially if they choose to go on to play mills events.

Are hybrid back plates banned in the mills along with hate heaters?

I didnt think it warranted a reply as we both know your statement is so far from the truth its laughable :p :p :p Mr my pm shoots a dream....oh wait i havent managed to hit anyone all day ;)

Syd (NSPL)

NSPL and Pr0to KotH
Aug 30, 2001
Torquay, UK
Bad box of paint dude. Check the pictures... that's obvious. And I hit five, no wait, six guys that day! Cheeky git.

We haven't banned these items. We have simply published our rules, the same rules as the MS, and you guys are jumping to conclusions. I refuse to get in to authorising particular products at this stage - I have enough to do. As I've said elsewhere, if you are unsure about a certain bit of kit, don't use it or get it authorised at the event you intend to use it before you do.

I didn't make up this rule, but I will ask my staff to enforce it to my interpretations.

Oh,and Mikey - you know I love you. :p


F orum Battle Organiser
Nov 23, 2005
South Wales/Cali
Bad box of paint dude. Check the pictures... that's obvious. And I hit five, no wait, six guys that day! Cheeky git.

We haven't banned these items. We have simply published our rules, the same rules as the MS, and you guys are jumping to conclusions. I refuse to get in to authorising particular products at this stage - I have enough to do. As I've said elsewhere, if you are unsure about a certain bit of kit, don't use it or get it authorised at the event you intend to use it before you do.

I didn't make up this rule, but I will ask my staff to enforce it to my interpretations.

Oh,and Mikey - you know I love you. :p
Ok i was starting to believe you up until the part where you said six...six what bunkers :p :p :p

Love you too ;)