Hey all
Just a query, i am looking to customise my goggles using some large stickers but wondering if tournament series such as PA and NSPL etc accept them or is there a restriction to it?
Im sure you are allowed to put stickers on your goggles, though anything thats too large or if you put an excessive amount of stickers on you may be asked to remove it.
All players, judges and anyone else must wear EC approved paintball goggles incorporating full face and ear protection in any designated goggle area. During a game, failure to wear approved eye and ear protection or removal of eye and ear protection constitutes a major safety violation, which will result in an assessment of penalty points and elimination of the player. The tournament organisers reserve the right to ban any type of goggle should it not meet adequate safety standards at any point during the tournament. Any goggles that doesn't include FULL ear, eye and face protection is now banned.
The Millennium don't allow Goggle/Mask stickers anymore, so if the series/event you are going to be playing uses their rulebook then you won't be allowed.
Sure you will breath anyway mate. Unless you got a diving mask!
It would look better though with the holes cut out
Get a pic up in Pimped Goggs when you finish them