thanks dudes and dudetes.
Loads of kind words from you all. I've got loads of new material ready to publish so expect to see plenty more in the very near future.
With regard to merchandise, I have a number of lovely people who have offered their skills with T-shirt printing so I'll prolly have a few made up pretty soon. What kinda designs would you like to see? Would people prefer full strips on a tee, characters, exclusive artwork?
Also would anyone be interested in Hopper stickers? Bumper stickers? exclusive framed prints? Custom artwork of themselves in a strip? figurines?
I'm just exploring potential ideas. I mean its all still just a bit of fun for me, I draw these because I love doing it but if theres a market for bits and bobs I'd love to think I could spread a bit of comic relief in the sport.
Yeah so please give me your ideas, opinions and once again folks, thanks so so much for the warm reception.