Okie dokie when I last wielded a marker it was in the mid-naughties and it was a Tippman A5 and I don’t remember any discussions about “output pressure”. You plugged and played. I recently invested in a Etha 2 and I noticed in the literature something saying the the output range for the marker is 250 > 550psi. And I’ve seen videos about high, medium and low output regulators. I bought the marker in a bunduru with a Field 48Ci 3000 psi aluminium tank. Now my question is, I just don’t get it, I presume my Field gas bottle will lower the pressure out of my bottle to 800psi and then that will pass into my Etha’s in-line regulator, reducing the pressure to whatever it needs, right? Or will I blow sumf and wreck my marker? And so, if my logic is correct, what is all the fuss about high, medium and low regulator settings? Is it sumf to do with precision and efficiency? Any feedback would be appreciate but as always be gentle.