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Anyone going NvS?


warped player
Aug 9, 2005
Weather according to the met office is dry Friday, dry Saturday until around 4 oclock and showers with sunny intervals sunday


Get Rich or Dye Trying
Mar 24, 2015
So far so good. Slow start and i see why people don't like the walking in the big games but after the first 45 minutes it was amazing fun with us (blue team :D) pushing hard to win! I missed Evasion since i had to go do some work in the evening.

Just wish there was a way to stop my pack sliding down :(. Going to have to get a vest next time i think.

Out of all my kit my favourite was definitely my camelbak lol!. So useful and allowed me to go the whole 4 hours without having to return. (Geo managed to shoot 1600 paintballs and still have over 1k air left (4.5k fill). Very pleased). Started light raining towards the end. I didnt switch my rotor back to the lid from speedfeed and had no issues. Deadlywind/freak combo was good. I used .687 with GI sports 3*. No breaks. No jams. The gun and rotor performed flawlessly. I was diving and jumping over walls (not an easy task with 11 pods on your back LOL) and they held up great.

This was my first big game so learning alot. ALOT of paint i see people wasting trying to shoot targets well out of range :cautious:. Throwing smokes effectively is hard if your carrying alot of gear o_O.

Ive spent way to much money so far and only bought one case of paint :confused:. I knew having all the suppliers in one place was a bad idea :ROFLMAO:.

Also when doing the checklist for all the gear make sure you tick it off as you put it in the car. I forgot my boots :(. Luckily Stoke had the biggest Go Outdoors store in the UK.

As a festival i cant really comment since ive not had the chance to hang out on site since im trying to 'work' evenings. Not tried any of the other activities except the big game yet. Everyone is friendly (except the dude in the kilt when hes shouting orders :whistle:). Happy that loads of people offered to put my pods back in my pack when they clearly see me struggling on the field :ROFLMAO::).
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I.O.G. supporting member.
Aug 13, 2007
West Yorkshire
I've played this event, numerous times, and I was a little let down this time around... mostly at the site logistics!

The staging area was a ghost town, with NO tables. This has always been in the past a great area to come back, catch up with colleagues who got split up in the game and swap stories with other members there. Instead, we were left to work and sit on the floor. What made things worse was that further along the path leading to the turn around at the end of the lane was a pile of tables just sitting there!

Whether the event staff looked a the weather forecast and took a punt on how many people would actually play, or just chuck in the towel and go home early, or who would actually just gear up from the comforts of their car boots or tents.

As the fill station and chrono station were right at the far end nearer the camp suite than the staging area... I'm thinking the latter (possibly).

Also, why have NO protaloos anywhere near the food/bar court area?

However, the game it self was great (still don't know who won) with some great eliminations by me!

For me the best and memorable experience was when several reds sneaked up on the the top corner of a structure embankment and rather than just lighting me up (with my back to them, which would have been so tempting) a couple of well aimed shots to my back pack sufficed. Hands down, by far the most gentlemanly thing and fair play witnessed that day.

Who ever you were, I thank you. I was the northerner shooting the gray F1 eclipse autococker wearing tiger stripe camo...

Roll on next year.
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Apr 8, 2015
I've been to North Vs South twice, I last went 3 years ago I think if not longer. It was one of the best weekends of my life, non-stop paintball, beers, bbq's and the strip show if they still do it. Even though the woman weren't the best strippers, with your beer goggles on they where beautiful. Only negative is that it skinted me out, but paintball in general is quite an expensive sport.

My favourite memory was at the end of NVS 3 years ago, when north and south where fighting over the last building and it was absolute CARNAGE. It was like 1000 vs 1000 people, so much fun. Has NVS been and gone this year? Shame I don't play anymore :(


"I am Become Death, squeegier of Worlds"
Oct 10, 2011
Middle of bloody Nowhere
This was my 3rd NvS - and although the Sunday afternoon was awesome fun, I was a tad disappointed at the logistics of the event - much like @KeenDean said. Bad points first, then good ones.

My main issue was the chrono setup. They simply didn't work reliably. 80% of my shots were "Err 2", a couple were in the 6500+ range and the rest were all over the place (120-600). When I finally beat the chrono into submission, it said 270. Went onto the game, shot a few balls at a building, it didn't feel right so I went to find a chrono police guy. 281, 278, 279, 268. Because of the 281, my bottle (A safer) was taken off me and completely vented (something you should never, ever, do to a safer). I then had to walk from the top of the game area, back to the air station, slowly fill my bottle, etc etc - which effectively took me out of the game for an hour. I understand zero tolerance, but when I deliberately ask someone because I think I'm shooting hot, I didn't expect my tank to be vented completely and the first part of my day to be ruined because of a singular hot shot. It would have been far far better for me to have gone "screw it, they won't notice", much like everyone else. Tools to help people turn it down would have been much appreciated.

The transport out of the game was non existent - last year it was brilliant though! For some reason, it didn't happen this year, which annoyed me and everyone I was with.

The staging area was indeed a ghost town. There were perhaps 20 people in it? No tables, etc.

The out of bounds area was completely imaginary - No one had a clue where it was. When you've got 60 people (northerners, southerners, photographers and a marshal) all staring at a map trying to decide what's in play and what isn't, it's funny but doesn't exactly work.

Now, onto the fun points.

Evasion was good fun! I got to the first checkpoint in about 5 minutes, then faceplaneted into a rock and injured my knee, so I took myself out.

The pistol challenge was the best fun of the Saturday, the Scottish guys who were running it ran a little attack/defend game that was very good fun and everyone was honorable, even with bounces. I'd recommend the pistol challenge to anyone.

The final push by us Northerners was awesome fun (apart from a firing squad execution to my head by my own team. Thanks, whoever shot me in the head) and I'm pretty sure the North won convincingly.

A lot of people played fairly - far more so than previous years. For example, I shot a guy in the peak of his mask, he had a mate check him, threw me a thumbs up and wandered off.

The LYSK paint sold by MAXS/Simon was spot on perfect.

Overall, good fun, but could have been organised better. A stand selling firewood would have made a killing.