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Pump gun pictures


Active Member
Nov 11, 2010
I think this is the video you are looking for:

Thing is, no one wants to use pump because they feel disadvantaged from the get go. Imo, lighter setup with good mobility and cheaper day makes me enjoy it much more.


Aka Colin
Oct 4, 2013
Worthing - West Sussex
I think this is the video you are looking for:

Thing is, no one wants to use pump because they feel disadvantaged from the get go. Imo, lighter setup with good mobility and cheaper day makes me enjoy it much more.
Could not agree more.

Gee Tee and I had so much fun running the last Pump day at Campaign on the Sup Air fields that more are planned for next year.

We'll keep you posted and hopefully get a pump following going on P8nt and make it a regular event.

I got out of Paintball because of all the ramping and techno fiddling going into the sport (strangely I work in IT). Have come back and happy to find old skool and pump is getting a resurgence and putting the fun back into the game. Ask yourself why did PSP and Mill set the BPS down to 10.5 - because the game stagnated and everyone "camped" no one could move to make the game enjoyable and watchable.

My brother Paul took a Sterling out on the last walkon and took out several rampers, much to their annoyance and his glee.

More power to your pump arm.

Gee Tee

1/2 man - 1/2 pogo stick
Mar 21, 2007
Dartford, UK
I've just picked up a pair of Tiberius T8 pistols. I want to practice with them now to improve my accuracy and reload technique. Having only 8 shots in a mag, and only 3 reloads to a 12g cO2 bulb really makes you focus on your game. I was surprised at how accurate and consistent they were on test last weekend. The range they get from such a short barrel is just amazing.

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Gee Tee

1/2 man - 1/2 pogo stick
Mar 21, 2007
Dartford, UK
That makes no sense to me :confused:

Uncapped semi can produce a faster ROF than the current 10.5 bps ramping cap. Can't see what they aim to achieve from this. The only ones set to gain are the marker manufacturers, who'll cash in selling the new 'semi only' boards to players. If they want to bring back some real skill - make it a 'no batteries allowed' mechanical semi auto format. The no coaching rule I do like. Loud mouthed idiots shouting thier tits off from the sideline really winds me up.
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Dec 8, 2014
i sometimes wonder if there not as common because people think that they will be out gunned by even a rental semi-auto... but we all prove thats wrong
At our local field, the pump players usually win against the semi's in rec/woods ball


Active Member
Nov 11, 2010
Now we are just blowing our own trumpets :p

Anyways, got a dust black ccm reg coming this weekend to replace my gloss cp reg...will post pics of the inception fle as soon as I can.