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Opus Finale .... A Warts an' all Exposé of Paintball's Very Own Megalomaniac

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LEGO 4 Life
Dec 30, 2005
Although he is now claiming Zak is a fake account...

"Tim BarnettGod....Monday morning.....here we go again....yet another boring 'drama' in the paintball world. Fake Facebook account 'Zak Frick'.....another poster from Yarm......text book stuff.

How very dramatic and exciting. Yawn."


LEGO 4 Life
Dec 30, 2005

But it's my work email it has come too. I use a different address for all things paintball and personnel.

And have never. Ever dealt with them. Or attended any of their events.
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Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
I assume this is them?


If so, @Robbo might be worth giving them a call?
Jay, I'm on it mate - I've messaged Dave and so hopefully, we'll get a chance to talk some time today and if barnett is selling stolen gear then I'll splatter it all over p8ntballer which sounds more than the marker can do by the sound of it ...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2013
With regard to the post on Shoreline about the .50cal.

I posted as Zac, who is a friend of mine and hasn't been banned from the Shoreline page. Some of you may know me as the VC of the UKPSF, others as the Managing Director of WarFighters Limited. I have supported this thread early on and there is full documentation to evidence what I have written.

The short version is:
I agreed to support Shoreline at the TCUK with two military HUMVEES. We wanted to spruce them up a bit and I suggested that we had some .50cals mounted on them that could shoot paintballs. Tim agreed to help fund these as a gesture towards the FREE loan of the vehicles.

WarFighters commissioned a company called X-Fire to make the shells, which cost a considerable amount. Barnett paid Grommie to make the internals using second hand Ions. The agreement was that WarFighters would retain and own the markers, and in return for the modding WarFighters would loan them to Shoreline for Big Games. At the TCUK only three guns were taken to site by Tim, the other was left behind at the shoreline HQ. During the day Tim kept referring to HIS fifty cals and I got the feeling he was intending to keep them, so at the end of the day I packed them away in my vehicle.

The agreement between Barnett and Myself was verbal, therefore I had no solid defence other than he said, I said. So I let it go. The guns didn't work and the three I have had be re-fitted. I know that he has never used the one he just sold. He claimed to have used it on the Paintball TV show at his home site, and he also claimed that he had two, and that one was stolen by a pikey?

Delusional lying as one would expect.

Post the TCUK I wanted nothing to do with the guy, he treated me like dirt as a corporate partner and I was silly enough to have been used by him. I don't consider the marker stolen, more like it was witheld, but I also don't feel that he has the right to sell it either.

If anyone wants the read the thread on the Rebels website you can see that Tim is full of errors.
All he did was try his hardest to discredit my name and company because I called it a day with him. The man is a egomaniac who bends the truth and puts a spin on everything. My company has been running imaged tactical paintball on a purpose but site for ten years.

He is an extract from our Facebook PM's. Never released before.

From TIM

20 July 2012 13:38

Dave - give me a bell please mate - 07702 ..........

Dave, here is the thing:

Things look a little bit weird from where I'm sitting.
I tell you of an event design I've created that we'll run at your venue, I explain to you how it'll work etc and say I'll launch it immediately after the TCUK.

Before I get chance to get back in the office after TCUK, you launch an event that looks suspiciously like its EXACTLY the same as the event I planned and told you about.

Again, oddly, that event is posted everywhere but wasn't posted on my group or the group of a team I sponsor.

Then, I get no replies to phone calls or texts or messages even though you are online and posting elsewhere.

Now, from where I'm sitting - this all looks a bit odd and I'm sure if you were looking at it through my eyes you'd think the same.

So, I really think you should give me a call or drop me a line just to let me know what's going on as I'm kinda in the dark here and this is begining to all look very odd.

I'm a straight forward bloke, so just let me know what the crack is. I was due to launch our event this week - now I've not idea what is going on.


Tim, here is the thing.

At the weekend it was noted by myself and others that you were rude, dismissive and unprofessional. As a result, I decided that I no longer wished to work with Shoreline for any future events post Sennybridge.

I prefer to work with partners that have a mutual respect, understanding and who adopt the same business ethics.

During the 6hrs of HUMVEE downtime I just happened to get chatting with the directors of Tippmann. They mentioned that they wanted to be involved with a game format based on team tactics. We all agreed that WarFighters could host such an event with it's custom locations, resources and experience.

Hence Blk-OPS

I don't feel that this conflicts with your Shoreline events including the TUKC.

You had your opportunity to partner with me.

Kind regards


From Tim

Thank you for finally having the balls to answer.

Now I know where I am.

I struggle to see past the fact that you've taken an event design that I told you about in detail, that you knew I was launching this week and nicked it without having the bottle to tell me first.

Fair call. As you'd expect, I'll have to make sure everyone knows that.

Not a cool way to behave Dave, especially given your speech you gave me and my wife when we came to visit you. But each to their own. Its a small industry and this sort of behaviour isn't very cool.


from Dave

I was willing to work with you on an exclusive basis. Your attitude changed that at Sennybridge. I was willing to partner with and support you. My public feedback on your TUKC event has been positive and professional, with no mention of my disappointment.

You don't have sole rights to paintball events in the UK, Europe, or license over my company Tim.

I've spent all week designing micro missions in far more detail than your Shoreline Cup. The whole game play engine is different to what you promote with chocolate factories etc.

In a way you did introduce me to this community, but with the Rebels as my home team it was only a matter of time before I entered this market.

Blk-OPS is an OFFICIAL Tippmann event. Slagging it off in public will be rather detrimental to the Tippmann brand and is likely to alienate them from you.

From Tim

Don't send me any further messages please Dave.

From Dave
23 July 2012 13:52
As this bounced from your Timm@shoreline mail account i will use your FB. I've have cc's both .....

Dear Mr Barnett,

I am writing to you with regard to your public posting on the Shoreline Facebook Open Group 23rd July 2012.

You have directly named my company in your post, which is clearly intended to disrupt our business. This attack is uncalled for and is damaging to our brand, including our co-partners Tippmann Sports LLC.
I would urge you to cease and desist from your campaign forthwith, and request that you remove the post immediately.

If you fail to comply with my request our legal representatives have been instructed to implement a lawsuit against you for libel and damages.


David Thatcher
Managing Director
WarFighters Ltd

Email: davet@warfighters.co.uk
Tel: 01327.323.042
Cell: 07971.955.214
Facebook: www.facebook.com/warfighters.co.uk
Web: www.warfighters.co.uk

23 July 2012 15:36

Good luck. You know where I am.

The thread is staying.

I did tell you what would happen if you you did the dirty - but you didn't listen. You can't behave like that and get away with it Dave. Hopefully its lesson learned. It was a daft move that was always going to end this way and a poor strategic decision. If you'd behaved honourably then none of this would have been a problem - but you didn't.

Don't contact me again unless its via your solicitor. I have already told you this once before.

Since this time Barnett has continued to lie about my company, turn the community away from my field. He claims that I stole a tactical game format from him, but I actually operated a different game format to his ****line Cup concept.

Pot calling kettle. Staargate Vs Star Wars, Sons Of Anarchy, Zombieland, Fight Club, Zero Two Thirty, these are all stolen IP and copyright used by Shoreline. They even ripped off the SOA logo and offered printed hoodies and T-shirts for sale on Bluewater.

Who's the thief?
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