???????If you play at the field weekly and youre sure youre back, just get a 68 carbon fiber, itl be rubbish in 5 years.
Just an addenum to the explosions, I believe there were 2 genuine explosions, 1 in Europe the other in the South of England.And i was actually using a Stacko, have actually used 3, and i heard about the bad explosion stories, i actually met a 2 guys from which the horror stories came from.
Both explained that it was never the tank but rumours, 1 had a disc burst, so not the tank, another dived into the snake and stuck his marker into the ground, the force was so violent that it broke rail extender off and the tank sort of shot off releasing all the air, he got another marker and screwed the tank in and it was fine.
I guess everybody has heard stories about exploding tanks and never actually met the owners hence the urban legends.