Like any other market it is open to haggling. The seller haggles up and the buyer haggles down. Personally I enjoy this part of the negotiation and if an offer is rejected I am never offended. I can either up my offer or look elsewhere. The seller also has the same option, lower the price to sell or wait for another buyer to come along.
There is no Parker's used guide for markers so stating what is a fair price for a marker is very subjective. Even if such a guide existed any buyer would try to get a bargain as even a few pounds saved feels like you got a good deal There is no MOT, service log etc to distinguish one marker from another so it could be argued the buyer is taking more of a gamble so should offer less just in case. This is, however, mitigated by reading feedback and previous threads which clearly indicate the good sellers and as such they may well get more money for the markers they sell.
When you buy second hand you may well be looking to save money but sometimes your purchase is a compromise. You cannot pick the colour you want as you have to choose from what is available. Personally I would up my offer if a marker matched the exact colour scheme I was after but if not I would wait for another one that wasn't my first choice. Odds are more will come in the colour I don't want than the one I do want so if I settle I am going to pay less.
Colours, lasering, team guns etc are all very personal and sometimes can mean you wont get as much as you paid just because others like that model of marker but are not really interested in the colour scheme (although I have seen some custom colours that I would indeed have paid more for).
I cannot comment from a sellers perspective as I have only purchased from these forums but on every occasion I have paid less than the seller originally was after. I do, however, feel that my offers were reasonable and after negotiations with various sellers I have secured a number of markers so I assume they were also happy with the deal. I feel like I have a got a bit of a bargain and the seller has received what they think is reasonable so hopefully all parties are happy.
NOTE: This is not written in direct response to what anyone else may have posted here or on any other threads in this forum. It is just my personal opinion on what I think is an interesting subject. Hopefully this ensures I haven't offended anyone
I read the forums almost daily and watch the prices of markers before I make an offer. If I have noticed that a particular marker has sold low then it indicates to me that there is a
chance that someone may sell at that some price again. This is not guaranteed as someone may have wanted a quick sale but it does mean there is a chance and I do not see it as unreasonable to pursue that chance. If I was going to buy a car and my neighbour told me the garage down the road was doing the model I wanted for less with the same spec and age but my local garage had the colour I wanted I would definitely use the other price to drive down what I was paying (and obviously not let on it was the colour I wanted). I love to haggle and have been with many friends to help them get the price down on a car but never have I been referred to a lowballer. For some reason they all think this is a good thing! Come to think of it, it is only on these forums that I have encountered the term and here it is held in very low regard.
My question is, does this make me a serial lowballer? On every offer I have made I have been below the asking price. With no guide as to how low to go have I missed out on this tag by sheer fluke?
Personally I think not but others may disagree (as is their right). On every offer made I have been below the stated asking price but not once have I been flamed, heckled, badgered or otherwise abused for it. This leads me to the conclusion that the real offence is caused by coming in too low with your initial offer. This may be due to ignorance, bare faced cheek. lack of funds, chancing your arm or many other reasons.
I would like to finish with my final observation. Ultimately it is the seller that determines the final price of the marker not the buyer. The buyer chooses what to offer but the seller chooses what to accept. The ultimate value of a marker on these forums is determined by the seller but it is the buyers who are getting all the bad press for the offers they are making.
Maybe I am lucky as I am not a seller but if I were then a "lowball" is simply a free "bump" for my for sale thread until I get an actual offer worth considering