Can Someone help me here ?, why are paying customers cleaning the game area after the event ? when they should just pack up after the game and go home, shouldn't this be the event clear up crew ?,
you pay your money to play, you should not clean up afterwards in my book.
This was the deal from the get go at the Call To Duty games. Everyone chipped in to make sure that we had the best weekends paintball imaginable. On every level.
You cannot compare the 2 games and you're making quite a leap from what happened before to assuming what happens at this, entirely different, event.
It's the same venue, that's it.
Nowhere has anyone said, as far as I know, that the customers at TCUK will be cleaning the field. I would imagine that if you tried to tell 700 paintballers that at the last minute you would be given short shrift. Something tells me that probably won't happen. These guys have put on a couple of events before....
Clear paint.
If you feel a hit, you walk.
If you can't stick to this rule. Don't come, sell your ticket because there will be enough people on both sides that have played clear paint games that will set you right. In a forthright manner.
This is for paintballers that play the game it should be played. There is no grey area. At normal scenario games many people play the bounce. I do, mostly, unless it is quite clear that I have been tagged, then i walk regardless.
This is different.
Bounces count.