
I don't normally feel the need to post something like this .............BUT
You are no longer welcome on p8ntballer.com,I have had some idiots who cannot understand the rules before but I think you are just choosing to ignore them.You have been a member for 8 weeks and have managed to earn yourself a 2 day ban twice already from breaking our very simple rules.I have warned you several times on your visitor messages and still you go your own way and do as you please.
You waste peoples time on the classifeds and then to take the biscuit tonight you offer £70 for a marker which is accepted and proceed to send the seller £45 and try to fob him off with a mask to make up the rest.
You have twice used other peoples videos or pictures off google/youtube,once to try and sell your pm8 and once making out it was you playing in the picture.We do not want or need liars on our forum so you have now been banned for life.
Do not reregister as we will spot you and ban you again and if we miss you our membership will not and I guarentee they do not welcome liars or time wasters on their forum.
You are now BOS (ban on sight) and if you come on on your brothers account you will get him banned aswell which I am sure he will be pleased with.
You are no longer welcome on p8ntballer.com,I have had some idiots who cannot understand the rules before but I think you are just choosing to ignore them.You have been a member for 8 weeks and have managed to earn yourself a 2 day ban twice already from breaking our very simple rules.I have warned you several times on your visitor messages and still you go your own way and do as you please.
You waste peoples time on the classifeds and then to take the biscuit tonight you offer £70 for a marker which is accepted and proceed to send the seller £45 and try to fob him off with a mask to make up the rest.
You have twice used other peoples videos or pictures off google/youtube,once to try and sell your pm8 and once making out it was you playing in the picture.We do not want or need liars on our forum so you have now been banned for life.
Do not reregister as we will spot you and ban you again and if we miss you our membership will not and I guarentee they do not welcome liars or time wasters on their forum.
You are now BOS (ban on sight) and if you come on on your brothers account you will get him banned aswell which I am sure he will be pleased with.