interested in the 0.692 backs.
what's the finish on them please? dust or gloss?
are they blemish-free ie. no anno wear whatsoever? (already noted what resembles a mark on the top UL back in the pic).
i'm rather anal about anything pertaining to markers
are u going armo ?
if the dye ul backs are autococker thread i'll take one for asking price.
#dye ul backs,
one are the both autococker threads
whats the condition of both
if alls good ill make an offer for both
Payment received, awaiting address. will be shipped out saturdaypayment sent for the dye UL back bud. your inbox is full.
I can only do this saturday bud due to workI'm in Westerham so if your around Bromley I could meet you
sorry mini is pending at the momentinvert mini £50 posted ?
profits are gone, i ordered it from ans gearplease will you split a profit clear lens?? been looking for one for a while now!
sorry its sold£8 posted for the clear sly lens?
mini is pending mate.£55 + postage to norway for the mini - you can keep or toss away the stock barrel and case.