This is my sons kitbag I believe it was called a 'Navigator' (SOLD)
This bag is huge - seperates into two bags with the lower portion for clothes etc - the top for kit. Both can be used independently and the top portion has straps so it can be used as a rucksac
The only damage I can make out is a tear/hole underneath one of the top straps which doesn't affect the use of the bag as it's not load bearing.
You could easily hide a body in this bag
Can be viewed at my home and picked up from there or at CPPS by arrangement.
Looking at £60.00(Now £55.00)
Postage is extra as the bag weighs 9/10kg postage is approx £20.00 (Now £70.00 all inc p&p&p/pal 'owed') (SOLD)
Thanks for looking
This bag is huge - seperates into two bags with the lower portion for clothes etc - the top for kit. Both can be used independently and the top portion has straps so it can be used as a rucksac
The only damage I can make out is a tear/hole underneath one of the top straps which doesn't affect the use of the bag as it's not load bearing.
You could easily hide a body in this bag
Can be viewed at my home and picked up from there or at CPPS by arrangement.
Looking at £60.00(Now £55.00)
Postage is extra as the bag weighs 9/10kg postage is approx £20.00 (Now £70.00 all inc p&p&p/pal 'owed') (SOLD)
Thanks for looking