Where's the price comparo? How 'bout kicking in a prize and price comparison? Thank goodness somebody else is doing this; Would you mind if I dropped by to copy and paste a bit? Save me loads of work.
Btw, CEP (Cross Eyed Paintball) is a former PSP D1 team. They may or may not be looking to pick up an established pro or two. I'll make you deal--get the comparo posted and I'll tell you all about CEP as they are coming to Florida for a scrim in a week or two.
No problem - copy & paste whatever you like, as it was you I got the idea from!
I posted up about a price comparison a while ago, but I can't do a complete report as I don't have the entry fee info for MS CPL & SPL.
I posted up asking if anyone could let me have this info, but nobody replied.
I can do a comparison of NPPL v PSP with no problem, but the MS comparison would be incomplete.
Let me know if you want me to go with this, and I will post up.
In return, I know that I missed the TBD tryout, but I would like a spot on the first team roster for World Cup.
I can't make any of the team practices - due to my living on another continent - but I bring with me a bad attitude, a tendency to annoy people, cheat, bitch when I get shot out, and then blame my teammates, the judges, my equipment, the paint and the weather for my poor performance.
An irresistable combination, no?
And I also want all of the sweet free stuff you get given, including two guns. And another two to sell. And I want a big bowl of M&M's, with everything but the yellow ones taken out.
That will do for starters.