I see The Swede is kneeling down at the left of your picture, Pete!
I'll post up some more pictures.
I remember reffing at Mayhem the year NWC came dressed in custom green sweatshirts and American Woodland camo pants. I remember reffing the AA's, and watching them blow away teams. I was reffing the finals when the Predators beat the Ironmen (the Ironmen gave away a ton of paint afterwards), and I was reffing the year NWC won Mayhem, the same year the Banzais got 4th.
The ref crew at Mayhem was one of the best ever, led by the Tigers.
The game changed when WDP put on the first Hyperball event, and I was there again reffing, seeing the likes of Avalanche for the first time.
That period really was a golden age for UK paintball - so many good memories.
And Dave Stewart? Never had an issue with him. I get on with him.